M.Sc André Dietrich

Contact: André Dietrich dietrich

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

Fakultät für Informatik

Institut für Verteilte Systeme

Universitätsplatz 2

D-39106 Magdeburg

Gebäude 29 Raum 309

Tel: (+49) 391 67-51459

Fax:(+49) 391 67-11161

Blog: http://www.aizac.info

Ich widerspreche der Nutzung oder Übermittlung meiner Daten zu Werbezwecken oder für die Markt- und Meinungsforschung
(§28 Absatz 3 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz).


Dietrich, Andr’e; Zug, Sebastian; Nardi, Luigi; Kaiser, J"org

Reasoning in complex environments with the SelectScript declarative language (Konferenzbeitrag)

IROS Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and models for ROBotic systems (DSLRob-15), Hamburg, Germany, 2015.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Dietrich, André; Zug, Sebastian; Kaiser, Jörg

SelectScript: A Query Language for Robotic World Models and Simulations (Konferenzbeitrag)

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Seattle, Washington, 2015.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)


Dietrich, André; Zug, Sebastian; Mohammad, Siba; Kaiser, Jörg

Distributed Management and Representation of Data and Context in Robotic Applications (Konferenzbeitrag)

Proceedings of the IEEE/RSI International Conference on Intelligent Robobts and Systems (IROS), Chicago, Illinois, 2014, (accepted).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Dietrich, André; Mohammad, Siba; Zug, Sebastian; Kaiser, Jörg

ROS Meets Cassandra: Data Management in Smart Environments with NoSQL (Konferenz)

Proc. of the 11th International Baltic Conference (Baltic DB&IS 2014), Tallinn, Estonia, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)


Dietrich, André; Zug, Sebastian; Kaiser, Jörg

The R in Robotics – rosR: A new Language Extension for the Robot Operating System (Artikel)

The R Journal, 5 (2), S. 117–128, 2013, ISSN: 2073-4859.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Dietrich, André; Kaiser, Jörg; Zug, Sebastian; Potluri, Sasanka

Application Driven Environment Representation (Konferenzbeitrag)

The Seventh International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Zug, Sebastian; Dietrich, André; Steup, Christoph; Brade, Tino; Petig, Thomas

Phase optimization for control/fusion applications in dynamically composed sensor networks (Konferenzbeitrag)

IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2013), Washington D.C., USA, USA, 2013.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Dietrich, André; Zug, Sebastian; Kaiser, Jörg

Geometric Environment Modeling System (Konferenzbeitrag)

7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, S. 1429–1434, International Federation of Automatic Control Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Sahr, Sabine; Dietrich, André; Ludewig, Eberhardt; Oechtering, Gerhard

Comparative Computed Tomography Anatomy of the Lacrimal Drainage System in Brachycephalic Dog Breeds (Konferenzbeitrag)

2013 Annual Scientific Meeting, European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ECVO) Barcelona – Spain, 2013.



Zug, Sebastian; Penzlin, Felix; Dietrich, André; Nguyen, Tran Tuan; Albert, Sven

Are laser scanners replaceable by Kinect sensors in robotic applications? (Konferenzbeitrag)

2012 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2012), S. 144-149, IEEE Magdeburg, Germany, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Dietrich, André; Zug, Sebastian; Kaiser, Jörg

Towards Artificial Perception (Konferenzbeitrag)

Berlin, Springer-Verlag (Hrsg.): Proceddings of the SAFECOMP 2012, Third International Workshop on Digital Engineering (IWDE), S. 466-476, 2012.

(Links | BibTeX)

Dietrich, André

Nutzung geometrischer Modelle zur Verbesserung der Umgebungswahrnehmung (Konferenzbeitrag)

Claudia Krull Eike Schallen, Sebastian Zug (Hrsg.): Tagungsband der 1. Doktorandentagung Magdeburger-Informatik Tage 2012 (MIT 2012), S. 1-8, 2012.


Zug, Sebastian; Dietrich, André; Kaiser, Jörg

Fault-Handling in Networked Sensor Systems (Buchkapitel)

Rigatos, Gerasimos (Hrsg.): Fault Diagnosis in Robotic and Industrial Systems, Concept Press Ltd., St. Franklin, Australia, 2012.

(Links | BibTeX)


Dietrich, André; Zug, Sebastian; Kaiser, Jörg

Model based Decoupling of Perception and Processing (Konferenzbeitrag)

ERCIM/EWICS/Cyberphysical Systems Workshop, Resilient Systems, Robotics, Systems-of-Systems Challenges in Design, Validation & Verification and Certification, Naples, Italy, 2011.


Zug, Sebastian; Dietrich, André; Schappeit, Marc; Steup, Christoph

Flexible Daten-Akquisition & Interpretation für verteilte Sensor-Aktor-Systeme im Produktionsumfeld (Konferenzbeitrag)

10. Magdeburger Maschinentage, 2011.


Zug, Sebastian; Steup, Christoph; Dietrich, André; Brezhnyev, Kyrylo

Design and Implementation of a Small Size Robot Localization System (Konferenzbeitrag)

IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2011), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2011.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Zug, Sebastian; Dietrich, André; Kaiser, Jörg

An Architecture for a Dependable Distributed Sensor System (Artikel)

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 60 Issue 2, S. 408 – 419, 2011.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Dietrich, André; Zug, Sebastian; Kaiser, Jörg

Modelbasierte Fehlerdetektion in verteilten Sensor-Aktor-Systemen (Konferenzbeitrag)

11./12. Forschungskolloquium am Fraunhofer IFF, Fraunhofer Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und Automatisierung (IFF), 2011.



Zug, Sebastian; Schulze, Michael; Dietrich, André; Kaiser, Jörg

Programming abstractions and middleware for building control systems as networks of smart sensors and actuators (Konferenzbeitrag)

Proceedings of Emerging Technologies in Factory Automation (ETFA ’10), Bilbao, Spain, 2010, ISSN: 978-1-4244-6849.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Kiebel, Thomas; Dietrich, André; Schulze, Michael; Zug, Sebastian; Kaiser, Jörg

Identifying patients and visualize their vitality data through Augmented Reality (Konferenzbeitrag)

The 7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS ’10), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Zug, Sebastian; Schulze, Michael; Dietrich, André; Kaiser, Jörg

Reliable Fault-Tolerant Sensors for Distributed Systems (Konferenzbeitrag)

Proceedings of the Fourth {ACM} International Conference on Distributed {Event-Based} Systems (DEBS ’10), S. 105-106, ACM Press New York, NY, USA, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2010, ISSN: 978-1-60558-927-5.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Dietrich, André; Zug, Sebastian; Kaiser, Jörg

Detecting External Measurement Disturbances Based on Statistical Analysis for Smart Sensors (Konferenzbeitrag)

Procedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), S. 2067-2072, Bari, Italy, 2010.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Dietrich, André; Schulze, Michael; Zug, Sebastian; Kaiser, Jörg

Visualization of Robot’s Awareness and Perception (Konferenzbeitrag)

First International Workshop on Digital Engineering (IWDE), ACM Press New York, NY, USA, Magdeburg, Germany, 2010.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Zug, Sebastian; Dietrich, André

Examination of Fusion Result Feedback for Fault-Tolerant and Distributed Sensor Systems (Konferenzbeitrag)

IEEE International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2010), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2010.

(Abstract | BibTeX)

Project-Site: https://pythonhosted.org/SelectScript_OpenRAVE/
Download: svn https://svn.code.sf.net/p/selectscript/code/trunk/
License: BSD
Description: This language thought to serve as a common interface to various simulation environments based on simple select queries, similar to SQL. A first implementation is available for OpenRAVE.

The YouTube playlist below shows some examples of how the language can be used to interact with the robotic simulation environment OpenRAVE.

Project-Site: http://www.ros.org/wiki/rosR
Download: svn http://svn.code.sf.net/p/ivs-ros-pkg/code/trunk/rosR
License: BSD

This package provides an simple interface of standard ROS-functionalities for the programming language R. We hope that it might be useful to make the R capabilities for statistical analyses and visualization also usable for the robotic community. In contrast to other language implementations, such as rospy, rosjava, etc. this is not a pure R implementation, it is a mixture of pure R, SWIG generated functions, and system commands. It can be used to define and use typical ROS publishers and subscribers in R, messages are automatically and online generated from the definition files, and it integrates the possibility to read and therefore analyse bag-files in R.


The picture below shows an screenshot of an example, we had included into the project. The measurement-noise of an infrared distance sensor was previously recorded and serves afterwards as fingerprint for an undisturbed sensor signal. As we described and evaluated in the publication below, external disturbances (like sunlight) can affect an therefore change a sensor measurement, but it also changes the sensors typical measurement noise variances and density. This can be easily detected by applying statistical tests like the Fligner-test, comparing the undisturbed fingerprint sample with the running measurements.

André Dietrich, Sebastian Zug, Jörg Kaiser (2010): Detecting External Measurement Disturbances Based on Statistical Analysis for Smart Sensors. In: Procedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), S. 2067-2072, Bari, Italy, 2010.

Project-Site: http://www.ros.org/wiki/cassandra_ros
Download: svn http://svn.code.sf.net/p/ivs-ros-pkg/code/trunk/cassandra_ros
License: BSD
Description: cassandra_ros provides an interface for ROS to the Cassandra database system. It can be used to store any types of ROS-messages in column families (topic-containers). ROS messages are automatically translated and stored in various formats in Cassandra. Furthermore it enables to fully explore, analyse, and replay the messages by using CQL (CassandraQueryLanguage).

The play list below shows an exemplary scenario. An autonomous robot used cassandra_ros to store its sensor measurements in an local Cassandra instances. Using the cloud-capabilities, this data could accessed and analyzed from any other entity connected to the Cassandra-cluster, new data like different maps for different requirements could be abstracted afterwards.


OpenRave – SituatedSensor

Project-Site: … comming soon …
Download: … comming soon …
License: … comming soon …

OpenRave – Filter

Project-Site: http://code.google.com/p/eos-openrave-plugins
Download: svn https://eos-openrave-plugins.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/filter
License: BSD
Description: This youBot random walk example shows the usage of an OpenRAVE plugin, which was developed  to filter different simulation scenarios. As you can see in the video, two grids were placed to cut through the scenario and generate online different occupancy grid maps for different heights. This plugin was intended to be extended and used as a base for further filters.

OpenRave – Distance Sensor

Project-Site: http://code.google.com/p/eos-openrave-plugins
Download: svn https://eos-openrave-plugins.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/distance_sensor
License: BSD
Description: This youBot random walk example shows the usage of an OpenRAVE plugin, which was developed to imitate different distance sensors with their typical sensor beams. The front sensors have a typical infrared shape, while side and back sensors have a typical utrasonic beam. Using meshes it is easy to extend this plugin and to imitate various different distance sensors.

OpenRave – Trace

Project-Site: http://code.google.com/p/eos-openrave-plugins
Download: svn https://eos-openrave-plugins.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/trace
License: BSD
Description: Sometimes it is required to keep track of an object and its trajectory during an simulation. This simple plugin was intended to do so. Just attach this element like an sensor to any robot, link, or object and visualize historical positions.
Project-Site: http://www.ros.org/wiki/rosshell
Download: svn http://svn.code.sf.net/p/ivs-ros-pkg/code/trunk/rosshell
License: BSD

This package provides the two ROSnodes, that enable to run and interact with different non-ros-programs.

  1. rosshell can be used to start a program or any kind of shell-command.
  2. rosshellX can be used, if some kind of interaction with the programs is required. It allows to receive and send messages from stdin and stdout.
Project-Site: http://www.aizac.info/projects/ar-ice
Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ar-ice
License: BSD

This project was intended to provide a simple wrapper for the ARToolKit. To use its functionalities also in other programming languages (like in our case Python), than only C. It is possible to receive video-frames from anywhere and to overlay the video-frame with anything else than only OpenGL (mainly VTK).

Project-Site: http://www.aizac.info/projects/ode-viz/
Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ode-viz

also possible: pip install odeViz (see https://pypi.python.org/pypi/odeViz)

License: BSD
Description: This toolbox generates automatically a vtk-visualization for an ode (Open Dynamics Engine) simulation under Python. You only have to define the simulation space and world and forward these entities to the visualization.
Media: These videos show two examples, which were included into the project to explain and ease the first usage. A detailed description is given on the project site.
Bibtex-Style for BalticDB&IS 2014
Download: BalticDB.zip
Description: A simple bibtex-style that fullfils the reference formating guidelines of the BalticDB&IS 2014 conference, as presented in http://ati.ttu.ee/dbis2014/files/BalticDBIS_references.pdf. Use with caution ;)

A video is worth a thousand pictures … Therefore, and to visualize our current research and experiments, we created a YouTube-Channel: http://www.youtube.com/ivsmagdeburg

Magdeburger Maschinenbauer Tage (DEMO)
Sebastian Zug, André Dietrich, Marc Schappeit, Christoph Steup (2011): Flexible Daten-Akquisition & Interpretation für verteilte Sensor-Aktor-Systeme im Produktionsumfeld. In: 10. Magdeburger Maschinentage, 2011.

Description: The Video below shows an online demo which was implemented to visualize the results of an adaptive fusion, depending on fixed (defined by the type of sensor) and online (defined by the measurement values) calculated sensor validities. ROS and the remote_lab stack were therefore applied to control a mobile robot via an web-interface and to visualize the sensor selection and fusion process.