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Research and expertise of the EOS-Group (Embedded Systems and Operating Systems) at the Otto-von-Guericke-University o f Magdeburg, Germany

The work of the Embedded Systems and Operating Systems group (EOS) of the University of Magdeburg centres on reliable and timely cooperation in large systems composed from networks of interacting smart artefacts. Such systems will rece ive increased attention because technological advances allow for smart components that provide the ability for self or ganization, spontaneous interaction, and autonomy of behaviour

We envisage a universe of cooperating things. These artefacts may be physical objects comprising mechanical parts, ele ctronics, networking facilities and software. Thus, they are active components and autonomous, perceive or act on aspe cts of their physical environment and have the ability to communicate and cooperate spontaneously driven by changes in the environment or in the network universe. These components also may be software only, however, our view on the syst em model is driven largely by the existence of physically materialized smart objects. Objects may be nodes in a wirele ss sensor network, ECUs in a car, smart transducers in an autonomous robot, a robot in a team of robots, or navigation and discovery aids in a smart environment. One of the common properties is that usually there are substantial constra ints of resources affecting performance, memory space, power consumption and network bandwidth.

The main objective of EOS is to develop components and adequate interaction abstractions and communication mechanisms for such systems. The work is focussed on architectures and algorithms which support predictable communication and saf e coordination of low power/performance components in a mobile environment. Primary design requirements are related to the autonomy of components, adaptivity to dynamic changes in the environment, and robustness against the failures of nodes and networks including failures of sensors and actuators. We investigate in architectures which allow the seamle ss integration of components and networks largely varying in computational and communication abilities.

Besides developing the system infrastructure, we also designed hardware for smart autonomous components. Examples rang e from smart optical sensors, navigational devices like magnetic field sensors, acceleration sensors and position sens ors to environmental surveillance sensors capturing temperature, light intensity, pressure humidity and vibration.

Recently, the EOS group works towards mixed reality systems for safe collaboration between humans and robots in a prod uction environment and on safe coordination of mobile air and ground vehicles. Emphasis is on the reliable perception of the environment exploiting a rich set of on-board and remote sensors. This includes the dynamic discovery and use o f external sensors as well as a way of assessing the trustworthiness of such information sources. Checking the sensor information against the expectations derived from a simulated environment model further enforces this assessment.

Research is partly carried out in the VIERforEs project funded by the Ministry of Research and Education of Germany (BMBF) and by the KARYON project (Kernel-based ARchitecture for safetY-critical cONtrol, STREP proposal ID: 288195) funded under the FP7-ICT-program of the European Commission.


The research group "Embedded Systems and Operating Systems" (EOS) forms together with the research groups "Real-Time Systems and Communication" and "Software Engineering" the "Department of Distributed Systems (IVS)", which is assigned to the faculty of computer science of the Otto-von-Guericke Univertity of Magdeburg.

Head: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Kaiser
Department of Distributed Systems (IVS)
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Universitätsplatz 2
D-39106 Magdeburg
Tel.: +49-391 - 67 – 58829 (direct)
Tel.: +49-391 - 67 – 58345 (secretary)
Fax: +49-391 - 67 – 11161