Casimiro, António; Kaiser, Jörg; Karlsson, Johan; Schiller, Elad Michael; Tsigas, Phillippas; Costa, Pedro; Patrizi, José; Johansson, Rolf; Librino, Renato
KARYON: towards safety kernels for cooperative vehicular systems (Article)
pp. 232-235, 2012.
(BibTeX | Tags: Cooperative Systems, KARYON, safety, vehicula systems)
title = {KARYON: towards safety kernels for cooperative vehicular systems},
author = {António Casimiro and Jörg Kaiser and Johan Karlsson and Elad Michael Schiller and Phillippas Tsigas and Pedro Costa and José Patrizi and Rolf Johansson and Renato Librino},
editor = {Springer-Verlag Berlin},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-10-01},
booktitle = {Stabilization, Safety and Security of Distributed Systems},
pages = {232-235},
address = {Toronto, Kanada},
keywords = {Cooperative Systems, KARYON, safety, vehicula systems}
Kaiser, Jörg; Piontek, Hubert
Self-describing components in cooperation systems (Inproceeding)
MiNEMA Workshop, Leuven, Belgien, 2006.
(BibTeX | Tags: Cooperative Systems, Middleware)
title = {Self-describing components in cooperation systems},
author = {Jörg Kaiser and Hubert Piontek},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-02-07},
booktitle = {MiNEMA Workshop},
address = {Leuven, Belgien},
keywords = {Cooperative Systems, Middleware}