Schulze, Michael; Diederich, Jörg
Reducing time and effort by concurrent firmware update processes on micro-controllers (Techreport)
Faculty of Computer Science Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, 2010.
(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Development, Firmware, Micro-Controller)
title = {Reducing time and effort by concurrent firmware update processes on micro-controllers},
author = {Michael Schulze and Jörg Diederich},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-12-01},
address = {Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg},
institution = {Faculty of Computer Science},
abstract = {Maintenance is a part of the software development process. In distributed systems, update actions require special attention in order to limit the effort. Several developments exist for sensor networks already. However, for less dynamic networks of micro-controllers the constraints are more simple. We exploit this to reduce the time necessary for an update and to reduce the resource consumption, which is essential in embedded systems. This paper presents our approach to update several micro-controllers simultaneously using the existing CAN communication properties. An evaluation of the developed prototype shows the benefits of our approach.},
keywords = {Development, Firmware, Micro-Controller}
Maintenance is a part of the software development process. In distributed systems, update actions require special attention in order to limit the effort. Several developments exist for sensor networks already. However, for less dynamic networks of micro-controllers the constraints are more simple. We exploit this to reduce the time necessary for an update and to reduce the resource consumption, which is essential in embedded systems. This paper presents our approach to update several micro-controllers simultaneously using the existing CAN communication properties. An evaluation of the developed prototype shows the benefits of our approach.