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Feigenspan, Janet; Schulze, Michael; Papendieck, Maria; Kästner, Christian; Dachselt, Raimund; Köppen, Veit; Frisch, Mathias

Using Background Colors to Support Program Comprehension in Software Product Lines (Inproceeding)

International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2011.

(BibTeX | Tags: Development, Product Lines)


Liebig, Jörg; Apel, Sven; Lengauer, Christian; Kästner, Christian; Schulze, Michael

An Analysis of the Variability in Forty Preprocessor-Based Software Product Lines (Inproceeding)

Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering – Volume 1, pp. 105-114, ACM New York, NY, USA, Cape Town, South Africa, 2010, (Acceptance rate: 14% (52 / 380)).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Development, Product Lines, Variability)