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Zug, Sebastian

Architektur für verteilte, fehlertolerante Sensor-Aktor-Systeme (PhD Thesis)

Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Distributed Systems, Fault-Tolerance, Framework, Programming Abstraction, Programming Abstractions, Sensor Systems, Sensor-Aktor-Systems, Smart Sensors)


Schulze, Michael; Förster, Marcus

Ressourcengewahres Framework für Kontextinformationen in eingebetteten verteilten System (Article)

Electronic Communications of the EASST, 37, pp. 12, 2011, (Proceedings of the Workshops der wissenschaftlichen Konferenz Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2011 (WowKiVS 2011)).

(Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Embedded Systems, Framework, Kontext Aware)


Schulze, Michael

A Highly Configurable Logging Framework In C++ (Article)

Dr. Dobb’s Digest, pp. 11-14, 2010, (shortened printed version of original article (June 18)).

(BibTeX | Tags: C++, Configurable, Framework, Logging)

Schulze, Michael

A Highly Configurable Logging Framework In C++ (Article)

Dr. Dobb’s, 2010, (online articel available at url{}).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: C++, Configurable, Framework, Logging)


Schulze, Michael; Zug, Sebastian

A Middleware based Framework for Multi-Robot Application Development (Inproceeding)

3rd IEEE European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context (EuroSSC’08), pp. 37-39, Zürich, Schweiz, 2008.

(BibTeX | Tags: Development, Framework, Middleware, Robotic)